Check 4-part version patterns Check for 4-part versions in Features Checked 1024 of 1024. Errors found: 2 org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature.source_14.0.0 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.scout.sdk-feature_14.0.0 does not contain 4 parts Check for 4-part versions in Bundles Checked 4687 of 4687. Errors found: 253 bcpg.source_1.80.0 does not contain 4 parts bcpg_1.80.0 does not contain 4 parts bcpkix.source_1.80.0 does not contain 4 parts bcpkix_1.80.0 does not contain 4 parts bcprov.source_1.80.0 does not contain 4 parts bcprov_1.80.0 does not contain 4 parts bcutil.source_1.80.0 does not contain 4 parts bcutil_1.80.0 does not contain 4 parts ch.qos.logback.classic.source_1.5.16 does not contain 4 parts ch.qos.logback.classic_1.5.16 does not contain 4 parts ch.qos.logback.core.source_1.5.16 does not contain 4 parts ch.qos.logback.core_1.5.16 does not contain 4 parts com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-annotations_2.18.2 does not contain 4 parts com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-core_2.18.2 does not contain 4 parts com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-databind_2.18.2 does not contain 4 parts com.fasterxml.jackson.module.jackson-module-jakarta-xmlbind-annotations_2.18.2 does not contain 4 parts com.github.jnr.constants_0.10.4 does not contain 4 parts com.github.jnr.enxio_0.32.18 does not contain 4 parts com.github.jnr.ffi_2.2.17 does not contain 4 parts com.github.jnr.jffi_1.3.13 does not contain 4 parts com.github.jnr.posix_3.1.20 does not contain 4 parts com.github.jnr.unixsocket_0.38.23 does not contain 4 parts com.github.oshi.oshi-core.source_6.6.6 does not contain 4 parts com.github.oshi.oshi-core_6.6.6 does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts com.googlecode.javaewah.JavaEWAH.source_1.2.3 does not contain 4 parts com.googlecode.javaewah.JavaEWAH_1.2.3 does not contain 4 parts com.h2database_2.3.232 does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts com.miglayout.core.source_11.4.2 does not contain 4 parts com.miglayout.core_11.4.2 does not contain 4 parts com.miglayout.swing.source_11.4.2 does not contain 4 parts com.miglayout.swing_11.4.2 does not contain 4 parts com.sun.el.javax.el.source_3.0.4 does not contain 4 parts com.sun.el.javax.el_3.0.4 does not contain 4 parts com.sun.jna.platform.source_5.16.0 does not contain 4 parts com.sun.jna.platform_5.16.0 does not contain 4 parts com.sun.xml.bind.jaxb-osgi.source_4.0.5 does not contain 4 parts com.sun.xml.bind.jaxb-osgi_4.0.5 does not contain 4 parts io.github.classgraph.classgraph.source_4.8.179 does not contain 4 parts io.github.classgraph.classgraph_4.8.179 does not contain 4 parts io.github.toolfactory.jvm-driver.source_9.7.1 does not contain 4 parts io.github.toolfactory.jvm-driver_9.7.1 does not contain 4 parts io.github.toolfactory.narcissus.source_1.0.7 does not contain 4 parts io.github.toolfactory.narcissus_1.0.7 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.activation-api.source_2.1.3 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.activation-api_2.1.3 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.annotation-api.source_1.3.5 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.annotation-api.source_2.1.1 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.annotation-api_1.3.5 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.annotation-api_2.1.1 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.enterprise.cdi-api.source_2.0.2 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.enterprise.cdi-api_2.0.2 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.enterprise.lang-model.source_4.1.0 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.enterprise.lang-model_4.1.0 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.inject.jakarta.inject-api.source_1.0.5 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.inject.jakarta.inject-api.source_2.0.1 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.inject.jakarta.inject-api_1.0.5 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.inject.jakarta.inject-api_2.0.1 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.interceptor-api.source_1.2.5 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.interceptor-api_1.2.5 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.servlet-api.source_6.1.0 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.servlet-api_6.1.0 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.transaction-api.source_1.3.3 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.transaction-api_1.3.3 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.websocket-client-api.source_2.2.0 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.websocket-client-api_2.2.0 does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts jakarta.xml.bind-api.source_4.0.2 does not contain 4 parts jakarta.xml.bind-api_4.0.2 does not contain 4 parts jaxen.source_2.0.0 does not contain 4 parts jaxen_2.0.0 does not contain 4 parts json_20230227.0.0 does not contain 4 parts junit-jupiter-api.source_5.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-jupiter-api_5.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-jupiter-engine.source_5.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-jupiter-engine_5.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-jupiter-migrationsupport.source_5.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-jupiter-migrationsupport_5.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-jupiter-params.source_5.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-jupiter-params_5.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-platform-commons.source_1.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-platform-commons_1.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-platform-engine.source_1.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-platform-engine_1.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-platform-launcher.source_1.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-platform-launcher_1.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-platform-runner.source_1.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-platform-runner_1.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-platform-suite-api.source_1.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-platform-suite-api_1.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-platform-suite-commons.source_1.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-platform-suite-commons_1.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-platform-suite-engine.source_1.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-platform-suite-engine_1.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-vintage-engine.source_5.11.4 does not contain 4 parts junit-vintage-engine_5.11.4 does not contain 4 parts net.bytebuddy.byte-buddy-agent.source_1.17.1 does not contain 4 parts net.bytebuddy.byte-buddy-agent_1.17.1 does not contain 4 parts net.bytebuddy.byte-buddy.source_1.17.1 does not contain 4 parts net.bytebuddy.byte-buddy_1.17.1 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.aries.spifly.dynamic.bundle.source_1.3.7 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.aries.spifly.dynamic.bundle_1.3.7 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.cli.source_1.9.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.cli_1.9.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.commons-codec.source_1.16.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.commons-codec_1.16.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.commons-collections4.source_4.4.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.commons-collections4_4.4.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.commons-compress.source_1.27.1 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.commons-compress_1.27.1 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.commons-io.source_2.18.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.commons-io_2.18.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.commons-logging.source_1.3.5 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.commons-logging_1.3.4 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.commons-net_3.11.1 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.discovery_0.5.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.lang3.source_3.17.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.lang3_3.17.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.logging.source_1.2.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.logging_1.2.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.text.source_1.13.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.commons.text_1.13.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.felix.gogo.command.source_1.1.2 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.felix.gogo.command_1.1.2 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime.source_1.1.6 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime_1.1.6 does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts org.apache.felix.gogo.shell_1.1.4 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.felix.scr.source_2.2.12 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.felix.scr_2.2.12 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient.source_4.5.14 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient_4.5.14 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.httpcomponents.httpcore.source_4.4.16 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.httpcomponents.httpcore_4.4.16 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.log4j.source_1.2.26 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.log4j_1.2.26 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.sshd.osgi.source_2.15.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.sshd.osgi_2.15.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.sshd.sftp.source_2.15.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.sshd.sftp_2.15.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.tika.core_2.9.3 does not contain 4 parts org.apache.velocity_1.7.0 does not contain 4 parts org.apiguardian.api.source_1.1.2 does not contain 4 parts org.apiguardian.api_1.1.2 does not contain 4 parts org.burningwave.core.source_12.65.2 does not contain 4 parts org.burningwave.core_12.65.2 does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee10.servlet.source_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee10.servlet_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee10.webapp_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.annotations.source_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.annotations_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.jndi.source_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.jndi_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.plus_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.security_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.server.source_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.server_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.servlet.source_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.servlet_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.servlets.source_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.servlets_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.webapp.source_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee8.webapp_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.ee_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.http.source_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.http_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.io_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.jndi.source_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.jndi_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.logging_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.plus_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.security_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.server.source_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.server_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.servlet-api.source_4.0.6 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.servlet-api_4.0.6 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.session.source_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.session_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.util.ajax.source_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.util.ajax_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.util.source_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.util_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.xml.source_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.jetty.xml_12.0.16 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.launchbar.core.source_3.0.0 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.launchbar.core_3.0.0 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.m2e.archetype.common.source_3.2.104 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.m2e.archetype.common_3.2.104 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.m2e.workspace.cli_0.4.0 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc.source_14.0.0 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.doc_14.0.0 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.source_14.0.0 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui.source_14.0.0 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e.ui_14.0.0 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.scout.sdk.s2e_14.0.0 does not contain 4 parts org.eclipse.tracecompass.trace-event-logger_0.4.0 does not contain 4 parts org.glassfish.hk2.api_3.1.1 does not contain 4 parts org.glassfish.hk2.locator_3.1.1 does not contain 4 parts org.glassfish.hk2.osgi-resource-locator_1.0.3 does not contain 4 parts org.glassfish.hk2.utils_3.1.1 does not contain 4 parts org.glassfish.jersey.connectors.jersey-apache5-connector_3.1.10 does not contain 4 parts org.glassfish.jersey.core.jersey-client_3.1.10 does not contain 4 parts org.glassfish.jersey.core.jersey-common_3.1.10 does not contain 4 parts org.glassfish.jersey.core.jersey-server_3.1.10 does not contain 4 parts org.glassfish.jersey.ext.jersey-entity-filtering_3.1.10 does not contain 4 parts org.glassfish.jersey.inject.jersey-hk2_3.1.10 does not contain 4 parts does not contain 4 parts org.hamcrest.source_3.0.0 does not contain 4 parts org.hamcrest_3.0.0 does not contain 4 parts org.jsoup_1.18.3 does not contain 4 parts org.kohsuke.args4j.source_2.37.0 does not contain 4 parts org.kohsuke.args4j_2.37.0 does not contain 4 parts org.mandas.docker-client_9.0.0 does not contain 4 parts org.mortbay.jasper.apache-el.source_9.0.96 does not contain 4 parts org.mortbay.jasper.apache-el_9.0.96 does not contain 4 parts org.mortbay.jasper.apache-jsp.source_9.0.96 does not contain 4 parts org.mortbay.jasper.apache-jsp_9.0.96 does not contain 4 parts org.objectweb.asm.commons.source_9.7.1 does not contain 4 parts org.objectweb.asm.commons_9.7.1 does not contain 4 parts org.objectweb.asm.source_9.7.1 does not contain 4 parts org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.source_9.7.1 does not contain 4 parts org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis_9.7.1 does not contain 4 parts org.objectweb.asm.tree.source_9.7.1 does not contain 4 parts org.objectweb.asm.tree_9.7.1 does not contain 4 parts org.objectweb.asm.util.source_9.7.1 does not contain 4 parts org.objectweb.asm.util_9.7.1 does not contain 4 parts org.objectweb.asm_9.7.1 does not contain 4 parts org.opentest4j.source_1.3.0 does not contain 4 parts org.opentest4j_1.3.0 does not contain 4 parts org.snakeyaml.engine.source_2.8.0 does not contain 4 parts org.snakeyaml.engine_2.8.0 does not contain 4 parts org.tukaani.xz.source_1.10.0 does not contain 4 parts org.tukaani.xz_1.10.0 does not contain 4 parts org.yaml.snakeyaml_2.3.0 does not contain 4 parts slf4j.api.source_2.0.16 does not contain 4 parts slf4j.api_2.0.16 does not contain 4 parts slf4j.simple.source_2.0.16 does not contain 4 parts slf4j.simple_2.0.16 does not contain 4 parts